About us

Our research team

We are a research team from Catalonia, Spain, and we are aiming to move forward on the study of the fibro-fatty painful nodules (also known as back mice).

Marta Expósito and I met many years ago while we were studying medicine at the Hospital del Mar in Barcelona (UAB). Since then we are very close friends. Both of us decided to do our phD studies about the back mice, since we got very intrigued about them and we were convinced that the study of the fibro-fatty tissue as a causative pain agent should not be overlooked any longer. Once we explained the thesis to Juan José, “Juanjo”, he agreed to become our thesis director. This photo was taken in February 2019 when we held a meeting to plan our further objectives.

Marta Cañis Parera

Marta Cañis Parera

From left to right: Marta Expósito, Marta Cañis and Juanjo Cabré

Marta Exposito Izquierdo  ORCID iD iconEspecialista en Medicina familiar i comunitària a l’ABS SABADELL Nord. Responsable de formació i docent del grup CAMFIC. Instructora en SVB i DEA i en SVI pel CCR.  Estudiant de doctorat URV (inici 2018). Títol tesi: Prevalença, diagnòstic i maneig de la lumbàlgia causada per la disfunció del teixit fibrogreixós de la regió lumbar, en l’àmbit de l’Atenció Primària. 

[Marta Expósito Izquierdo, MD, is a specialist in Family and Community Medicine in ABS SABADELL Nord. Person in charge of training and a teacher at the CAMFIC group. Instructor in SVB and DEA and in SVI for CCR. URV doctoral student (start date: 2018). Title of the thesis: Prevalence, Diagnosis, and Management of Lower Back Pain Caused by Dysfunction of the Fibrofatty Tissue from the Lower Back in Primary Health Care]

 Marta Cañis Parera   ORCID iD icon.  Llicenciada en Medicina i Cirurgia a la UAB. Metge d’urgències de l’ Hospital del Vendrell.  Màster en urgències i emergències Hospital Clínic UB. Estudiant de doctorat a URV (inici 2018). Títol tesi: Caracterització del teixit fibro-greixós en la regió lumbar.

[Marta Cañis Parera, MD, has a B. A. in Medicine and Surgery in UAB. Emergency doctor at Hospital del Vendrell. Master’s Degree in Emergency medicine Hospital Clínic UB. URV doctoral student (start date: 2018). Title of the thesis: Characterization of Fibrofatty Tissue in Lower back]

Juan José Cabré Vila  ORCID iD icon. Especialista en Medicina familiar i comunitària a l’ABS Reus. Doctor (PhD) per la URV. Professor associat a la URV (Patologia general). Vocalia de recerca de la CAMFIC.

[J.J. Cabré, MD, PhD, is Doctor in Medicine (URV, Rovira i Virgili University) and specialist in Family and Community Medicine. His doctoral thesis involved the diabetes and the metabolic syndrome. He works in public health service (Catalan Health Institute) and develops research in IDIAP Jordi Gol. From 2005 is tutor in Family Medicine Specialists Program (MIR System), Docent Unity Tarragona-ICS (docent coordinator of Basic Health Center Sant Pere Centre) and from 2007 is associated professor in URV, in the subject of General Pathology. Also is offered as acredited doctoral tutor in Primary Care (Diabetes Prevention) in this University. He was the president of the territorial Vocaly of CAMFiC (Catalan Society of Family and Community Medicine) from 2004 to 2017, and from 2011 the Vocal of the Research section of CAMFiC.]