Back mice used to be named fibrositis lumbar by the rheumatologists. This is one of the first articles that mentioned one drug we now know as NSAIDS: butazolidin. Now it is not used in humans anymore. They used a low dose combination with cortisone. Geigy was the pharmaceutical company that commercialized it.
(Personal thought: In my opinion, one reason that the knowledge of the lumbar painful nodules (that so many doctors studied) slowly became so overlooked is that, with the oral medication with the NSAIDS, that could be effective for any pain, and there was no reason to go further. It even meant that the doctors lost their ability to palpate.)
Notes on the article:
Acción de la deltabutazolidina en diversas formas de reumatismo (Fibrositis, osteoratritis, periartritis, gota, AR…)
By Fernando F. Bustamante y Alberto Perdomo
Servicio de reumatología del Hospital Bartolomé Churruca
They present the results of treating 87 patients, diagnosed with several rheumatic pathologies during a period of 9 to 15 months, with a drug combination with butazolidin and prednisone named Deltabutazolidinia.
They theorize that the combination of the 2 drugs would have an enhancing action. They used tablets of 50mg of butazolidin and 1.25mg of prednisone.
They were especially interested in knowing the side effects of the combination of these 2 drugs.
They checked for edemas, hemorrhages, nerve alterations, digestive manifestations, and skin problems.
They concluded that, knowing that the time of observation was to little, they thought the association of the two drugs meant a synergic association, which meant a good combination of 2 low doses with similar effects to higher doses but with less effect.
Published in April 2019 by Marta Cañis Parera
Bustamante FF and Perdomo A. Arch Argent Reum 1961 (24) p 15-18. ISSN: 0004-0495.