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Back mice were also named
fibrositis of the back or lumbar fibrositic nodules.
(Personal note: The term fibrositis (to define the subcutaneous palpable painful nodules) has been a complete MISNOMER. Anyway it was broadly used for many years).
Fibrositis was a term proposed by Gowers in 1904. During the first half 20th century it was a term very commonly used by the British medical community. Later the term was not used anymore as such, but during the late 20th century it was transformed from fibrositis to “fibromyalgia” (Chapter 5.2 – From fibrositis to fibromyalgia) and the subcutaneous palpable painful nodules just were defined as painful SPOTS.
The term “fibrositis” (muscular rheumatism and non-articular rheumatism)
“The consequences of a MISNOMER”
Gowers proposes the term fibrositis
→1904 Gowers (from London, England): A lecture on lumbago, its lessons and analogues.
Many authors discuss about the use of the term fibrositis (muscular rheumatism or non-articular rheumatism) and its existence.
List of the 64 articles/books about it
- →1905 The Hospital’s editor (from England): LINK⇒Rheumatism (focused on fibrositis)
- →1913 Llewellyn et al.: A discussion on fibrositis (England)
- →1913 Luff et al. (Harveian Society, London, England): The various forms of fibrositis and their treatment.
- →1915 Llewellyn & Basset: BOOK Fibrositis (Gouty, infective, traumatic. So called chronic rheumatism including villous synovitis of knee and hip, and sacroiliac relaxation).
- →1926 James Kingston Fowler: BOOK Aix-les-bains and Mont Revard. The douche massage treatemnt of arthritis and fibrositis.
- →1933 BOOK Wyatt (Baltimore, USA): Chronic arthritis and fibrositis. Diagnosis and Treatment.
- →1936 Gordon (from Bath, England): The metabolic factor in chronic rheumatism with special reference to fibrositis.
- →1936 T. Stacey Wilson (from Birmingham, England): Manipulative treatment of subacute and chronic fibrositis.
- →1936 G. Laughton Scott (from London, England): A new treatemnt of fibrositis.
- →1937 Ernest Fletcher (from Stratford, England): Fibrositis.
- →1938 Hench et al. (from USA): The problem of rheumatism and arthritis. Review of american and English literature. Fibrositis.
- →1938 Gutstein (from Berlin, Germany): LINK⇒ Diagnosis and Treatment of Muscular rheumatism (fibrositis and myalgic spots)
- →1940 Slocumb (from USA): Differential diagnosis of periarticular fibrositis and arthritis.
- → 1940 Gerald Slot (from London, England): Fibrositis among industrial workers.
- →1940 Joseph Race (from Buxton, England): Laboratory findings in fibrositis.
- →1940 Douglas H. Collins (from Bath, England): Fibrositis and infection.
- →1940 J.B. Harman (from England): Fibrositis and pain.
- →1941 Ray (from England): Isotonic Glucose solution in the treatmnet of fibrositis.
- →1941 Steinberg (from New York, EUA): Fibrositis treated with vitamin E.
- → 1942 Halliday (from England): LINK⇒ The obsession of fibrositis
- →1942 Philip Ellman (from London): Fibrositis.
- →1942 Moynahan and Nicholson (from England): LINK⇒Value of Procaine infiltration in the diagnosis and treatemnt of fibrositis.
- →1942 Paul Beeson and McNair Scott (from EUA): LINK⇒Observations on an acute myalgia of the neck and shoulders; its possible relation to certain cases of generalized fibrositis.
- →1945 Mylechreest (St Thomas Hospital, from England): LINK⇒ Investigation into aetiology and pathology of fibrositis of the back.
- →1946 Coke: Fibrositis and beta-diethylaminoethyl dehydrocholate.
- →1946 Murphy (from Brisbane, Australia): Low Backache (etiology of fibrositis). The Medical Jorunal of australia.
- →1946 Copeman (from London, England): Rheumatism as a social and industrial problem (fibrositis).
- →1947 Vereecken: Over fibrositis.
- →1947 Valentine (from England): LINK⇒ The etiology of fibrositis: A review
- →1947 W.R. Caven (from Toronto, Canada): Backache and fibrositis, a medical point of view.
- →1947 F Bach (from London, England): LINK⇒Non-articular rheumatism, “fibrositis“.
- →1947 RD Nelson: LINK⇒Referred pain through fibrositis.
- →1947 Steinberg (from New York, EUA): LINK⇒Fibrositis (muscular rheumatism) including dupuytren’s contracture: a new method of treatment.
- →1947 Wilson D (North Carolina, EUA): LINK⇒ Fibrositis
- →1948 M Ant and AE Mamelok (from New York, EUA): Vitamin E in the treatement of fibrositis with complicating osteoarthritis: case report.
- →1948 Bach LETTER (from England): LINK⇒Fibrositis
- →1948 I.J. Patton and J.A. Williamson, M.D. (from Montreal, Canada): Fibrositis as a factor in the differential diagnosis of visceral pain.
- →1948 VJ Kinsella (from Sydney, Australia): The syndrome of chronic hypertension, fibrositis and tonsillitis.
- →1948 AB Walter (from Canada): The management of chronic fibrositis.
- →1948 Micheli (from Firenze, Italy): La fibrosite dolorosa (fibrositis).
- →1949 BMJ Editorial (from England): Lumbar fibrositis
- →1949 CL Steinberg (from New York, EUA): Primary fibrositis (muscular rheumatism).
- →1949 D Wilson (from London, England): Fibrositis.
- →1950 Jespersen (from Copenhagen, Denmark): Fibrositis of muscles.
- →1950 Copeman (from London, England): Fibrositis
- →1953 Long and Lamphier (Boston, EUA): Fibrositis and the disc syndrome.
- →1954 BOOK Copeman &Mason (from England): Rheumatism: Fibrositis, arthritis, lumbago, sciatica, “slipped disc”, gout and spondylitis.
- →1954 KM Walthard: [Rheumatism of the soft parts and fibrositis] Weichteilrheumatismus und fibrositis. ISSN 0012-1320.
- →1961 F.F Bustamante and A Perdomo (from Aregntina): Acción de la deltabutazolidina en diversas formas de reumatismo (fibrositis).
- →1962 Barceló et al.: Nuestra experiencia con la asociación fenilbutazona-prednisona (Delta-butazolidina) en clínica reumatológica (fibrositis).
- →1962 Schoen and Miehlke: Fibrositis oder sogenannter Muskelrheumatismus [Fibrositis or so-called muscle rheumatism]
- →1967 Settel (from New York, USA): Efficacy of a phenylbutazone-prednisone combination in the treatment of acute lumbosacral fibrositis: A survey of 96 cases.
- →1968 Kraft et al (from USA): The Fibrositis syndrome
- →1968 Traut (from Chicago, USA): Fibrositis
- →1974 Mathies et al (from Germany): [Clinical picture of soft-tissue rheumatism]. Klinik des weichteilrheumatismus (Fibrositis).
- →1977 Smith and Smythe (Toronto, Canada): Fibrositis syndrome
- →1978 Bulletin on the rheumatic diseases (Georgia, USA): Two contributions to understanding of the “fibrositis” syndrome.
- →1981 Bennett (Prtland, USA): Fibrositis: Misnomer for a common rheumatic disorder.
- →1983 Reynolds: REVIEW The development of the concept of fibrositis.
- →1986 Simons (California, USA): Fibrositis/fibromyalgia: A form of myofascial trigger points?
- →1990 American College of rheumatology (USA): Criteria for the cassification of fibromyalgia.
- →1990 Smythe and Sheon (from Canada and USA): Fibrositis/fibromyalgia: a difference of opinion.
- →1992 Romero and Encinas (from Spain): Prevalencia de la fibrositis.
- →2008 Marson and Pasero (Italy): Evoluzione storica del concepto di fibromialgia: le tappe principali [Historical evolution of the concept of fibromyalgia: the main stages]
Related chapters
→Chapter 1.2.2 Old remedies for Fibrositis
→Chapter 5.2. From the “fibrositis” to the “fibromyalgia”
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