Article published in 2000. Author Motyka et al. Titled: Treatemnt of low back pain associated with back mice. Motyka et al. present a RETROSPECTIVE case series STUDY about the treatment with local anesthetic to patients with nonspecific low back pain syndrome associated with back mice.ARTICLE published in 2000. Authors Curtis et al. Titled FIBRO-FATTY NODULES AND LOW BACK PAIN. THE BACK MOUSE MASQUERADE. This is a short brief report about 2 patients that didn’t present nodules and low back pain -as many patients do- but other masquerading symptoms such as hip or abdominal pain. The final outcome suggested that back mice primarily caused the pain syndromes.Article published in 2000. Author: David Bond. Titled: Low back pain and episacral lipomas. Bond presents a male case that had just temporary relief of his low back pain after injection into the tender episacral lipoma area.ARTICLE published in 2003. Author J. Kurnik. Titled ILIAC NODULAR DISORDER, THORACOLUMBAR SYNDROME AND ASSOCIATED TOPICS. It was published in 20013 in the magazine Dynamic Chiropractic. He thinks that the DISORDER is reported less frequently, overall, because of the lack of proper inspection. To explore them, Kurnik refers that the best way is by MASSAGING the area USING LOTION.ARTICLE from 2004 published in the Dynamic Chiropractic magazine by David Bond entitled Chiropractic treatment of the back mouse. This is the second article about this subject, the first one was published in 2000 and was entitled Low back pain and episacral lipomas. Both are free on line.Letter published in 2004. Author Peter Curtis. Titled TREASURES IN THE ATTICC. He titled the letter TREASURES IN THE ATTIC, in reference to his medical knowledge during years of being a doctor and the legacy he can leave behind. Of all these treasures he finds worth mentioning what he calls “his own clinical pearl”: the “back mouse or back mice”.ARTICLE published in 2007. Author Beverley. Titled EPISACROILIAC LIPOMA: AC CASE REPORT. This is a short case report article about the significance of the tender nodules in the low back (also known as back mice) published in The Journal of Orthopaedic Medicine in 2007 by G. Beverley.POSTER published in 2009. Author Su Min Ko et al. Titled SUPERIOR CLUNEAL NERVE ENTRAPMENT DUE TO FIBRO-FATTY NODULE: A CASE REPORT. This was a POSTER that was published in The Journal of Injury, Function and Rehabilitation in 2009 about buttock pain by superior nerve entrapment due to fibro-fatty nodule (also named back mice). It is signed by Su Min Ko et al. From the Montefiore medical center. New York.POSTER published in 2011 about the frequency of episacral lipoma in chronic low back pain and its treatment with local anesthetic injection.Article published in 2013. Authors Erdem et al. Titled EPISACKRAL LIPOMA: a treatable cause of low back pain. The authors do a brief literature review about episakral lipoma (or back mice) and they present two case reports of 2 women that got better after local INTRANODULAR injection of the lumbar nodule.ARTICLE published in 2015. Authors Yang et al. Titled Sacroiliac fascial lipocele could be a neglected cause of lumbosacral pain: case study of percutaneous endoscopic treatment. It focuses on a new treatment for the “sacroiliac fascial lipocele” also known as back mice to treat a neglected cause of lumbosacral pain. They present a case study that was treated by percutaneous endoscopy.ARTICLE published in 2016. Authors Bicket et al. Titled THE BEST-LAID PLANS OF “BACK MICE” AND MEN: A CASE REPORT AND LITERATURE REVIEW OF EPISACROILIAC LIPOMA. They emphasized the importance of CONSIDERING the epi-sacro-iliac lipoma or back mice as a CAUSE OF LOW BACK PAIN. They reviewed existing literature, including treatment options and presented a CASE REPORT. They finished saying that no recognizing back mice can lead patients to receive the INCORRECT DIAGNOSIS OF NON-SPECIFIC low back pain.Article published in 2017. Author Farina et al. Titled copeman nodule: a case report. They present a case report from a 30-year-old female with ultrasound examination.ARTICLE published in 2017. Authors Tiegs-Heiden et al. Titled SUBFASCIAL FAT HERNIATION: SONOGRAPHIC FEATURES OF BACK MICE. Patients are usually referred by what the physician thought that could be a painful lipoma.ARTICLE published in 2019 by jensen and Degn. The authors’ main contribution is to present a patient with BM treated with block injections, where the BMs were visualized both sonographically and for the first time with magnetic resonance imaging (RMI). Moreover, the authors suggest MRI as a diagnostic supplement in uncertain BM cases.ARTICLE published in 2020 by Martinez-Nuñez et al. It is a CASE REPORT.