This is a chronologic list from 47 medical articles about back mice from the middle part of the 20th century
List with the links to the web pages with notes about each article
It is noticeable that the entity back mice had received different names during history.
- →1935 Sutro (from New York, USA): Subcutaneous fatty nodes in the sacroiliac area.
- →1937 Ries (from Chicago, USA): Episacroiliac lipoma.
- →1942 MacDermot (from Vancouver, Canada): Sacro-iliac lipomata.
- →1944 Copeman and Ackerman (from London, England): Fibrositis of the back
- →1945 Mylechreest (St Thomas Hospital, from England): Investigation into aetiology and pathology of fibrositis of the back.
- →1945 Pugh (from England): A study of rheumatism in a group of soldiers with reference to the incidence of trigger points and fibrositic nodules.
- →1945 Clavero-Núñez (from Spain): Las afecciones del panículo adiposo como causa de lumbosacralgias en la mujer.
- →1946 Herz: Herniation of subfascial fat as a cause of low back pain; report of 37 cases treated surgically.
- →1946 Hench (from Mayo Clinic, USA): Discussion of the paper by Ralph Herz: Herniation of subfascial fat as a cause of low back pain.
- →1946 Lifvendahl (from Chicago, USA): LETTER Herniation of fascial fat and low back pain.
- →1946 EDITORIAL “El día médico” (From Argentina): Una causa frecuente de lumbago: las hernias de la grasa subfascial.
- →1947 Copeman and Ackerman (from England): Edema or herniation of fat lobules as a cause of lumbar and gluteal fibrositis.
- →1947 Moes (from California, US): Nodulation or herniation of fat as a cause of low back pain.
- →1948 Orr et al. (from Florida, US): Somatic pain due to fibrolipomatous nodules, simulating uretero-renal disease: a preliminary report.
- →1948 Hucherson and Gandy (from Texas, USA): Herniation of fascial fat; a cause of low back pain.
- →1949 Hittner (from Wisconsin, USA): Episacroiliac lipomas.
- →1949 Copeman (from England): Fibro-fatty tissue and its relation to “rheumatic” syndromes.
- →1950 Rubens-Duval (from France): Cellulalgie.
- →1950 Dal Lago & Vera (from Argentina): [La frecuencia de las hernias grasas con lesiones necróticas como causa de lumbago].
- →1950 Katz & Berk (from Boston, USA): Episacroiliac lipoma as a cause of low back pain.
- →1951 Rouhier (From France): Les lipomes douloureux de L’échancrure sciatique det de la region para-sacrrée.
- →1952 Herz (from Florida, USA): Subfascial fat herniation as a cause of low back pain: differential diagnosis and incidence in 302 cases of backache.
- →1952 Ficarra and Mclaughlin (from Brooklyn, USA): Low back pain due to pannicular hernias. Case report
- →1952 Raymond (from USA): Sacro-iliac lipomatosis (Herter’s diseases). A relatively new clinical entity
- →1952 Sicard (from Paris, France): Lipomes épisacro-iliaques et lombo-sciatiques.
- →Donati &Bidoni (from Pavia, Italy): Lipomi della regione sacroiliaca (episacroiliaci) come causa de sindromi lombo-sciatalgiche e di lombo-sacralgiche.
- →1953 Nunziata (from Argentina): Lumbociáticas por hernias de grasa.
- →1953 Sheehan (from Drogheda, Ireland): Epi-sacro-iliac lipoma and sciatica.
- →1953 Scmidt-Voigt (from Germany): Das lipomatöse kreuzbeinsyndrom.
- →1953 Rimbaud and Thevenet (from France): Lombo-sciatiques et lipome épisacro-iliaque.
- →1954 Bonner and Kadson (from Boston, USA): Herniation of fat through lumbodorsal fascia as a cause of low back pain.
- →1954 Knight (from Marshalltown, USA): Sacro-iliac lipoma versus pannicular hernia.
- →1955 Ficarra (from New York, USA): Pannicular lumbosacroiliac hernia
- →1955 Monnerot-Dumaine (from France): Le lipome épi sacro-iliaque
- →1955 Joyeux (from France): Lipomes et lombo-sciatiques
- →1956 Nocentini and Rosati (from Firenze, Italy): Anatomicoclinical picture of episacroiliac lipomas.
- →1957 Gomez Carpio et al (from Chile): Clinical and therapeutic aspects of hernia of the panniculus adiposus as a cause of lumbosacral fibrositis.
- →1959 Tibaudin (from Argentina): Lumbar fat hernias as the cause of reflex lumbosciaticas.
- →1959 Kanan (from Puerto Alegre, Brazil): Hernias of the sacral fascia
- →1960 Raymond (from Pennsylvania, USA): Sacroiliac lipomatosis.
- →1961 Wollgast and Afeman (Denver, USA): Sacroiliac lipomas.
- →1962 Duval (France): THESIS Sciatiques et lipomes épi-sacro-iliaques
- →1963 Sedwitz and Thomas (Zebulon, USA): Hernia Adiposa – A cause of low back pain.
- →1963 Dittrich (Minnesota, USA): Lumbodorsal facia and related structures as factors in Disability.
- →1966 Singewald (Baltimore, USA): Another cause of low back pain: lipomata in the sacroiliac region.
- →1968 Baciu (From Romania): Painful lumbar sclerolipoma. Copeman-Ackerman’s syndrome.
- →1969 Baciu (From Bucarest, Rumania): Les lombosciatalgies du type Copeman and Ackerman.
Main articles about back mice from the middle part of the 20th century
Images from the articles with links to the notes about them