- About back mice... webpage
- Chapter 1- Nodules and trigger points
- Chapter 1.1 - Articles from the 19th century or earlier
- 1777 MacBride - Muscular rheumatism
- 1816 Balfour - Cellular membrane
- 1828 Churchill - Acupuncturation in lumbago and sciatica
- 1843 Froriep - Muskelschwiele
- Old remedies related to rheumatism
- "Chelsea pensioner" medicine
- A.P.C. (Aspirin, Phenacetin, Caffeine)
- Acupuncturation
- Amber
- Belladonna plaster
- Blistering or vesiculation
- Blood-letting, venesection
- Cajeput
- Camphor
- Cautery
- Chinchona, Peruvian and China BARK (Quinine)
- Chromic acid injection
- Clyfter (Clystère)
- Copaiba balsam
- Cupping therapy
- Dover's powder
- Elastoplast (Elastic adhesive bandage)
- Elliman's Universal Embrocation
- Epsom salts (sulfate of magnesium)
- Galvanic therapy (Faradism)
- Guaiacum
- Hydrotherapy
- Iodine (Iodium)
- Ipecac (Carapichea ipecacuanha)
- Juniper
- Lanolin balm
- Laudanum (tincture of opium)
- Leech or hirudo medicinalis
- Mercurial preparations
- Methyl salicylate
- Moxa
- Nitre
- Novocain (Procaine)
- Paraffin bath
- Peru Balsam
- Phenacetin (Paracetamol)
- Potassium iodide
- Rhubab
- Sambucus, elderflower
- Sassafras
- Scarification
- Sinapism
- Sloan liniment
- Steam bath (Vapour)
- Sweat boxes
- Turpentine
- Willow bark (Aspirin)
- Wintergreen oil
- Chapter 1.2 - Articles from early 20th century
- 1904 Stockman - Fibrous indurations
- Chapter 1.2.1 The term "fibrositis"
- 1904 Gowers - Lumbago
- 1905 - Editor The Hospital - Rheumatism and fibrositis
- 1938 Gutstein - Muscular rheumatism (fibrositis)
- 1942 Halliday - pain stiffness and soreness
- 1942 Moynahan - Procaine infiltration
- 1947 Bach - Local tenderness
- 1947 Nelson - Fibrositic area
- 1947 Steinberg - Fibrositis and creatinuria
- 1947 Valentine - Etiology of fibrositis
- 1947 Wilson - Primary and secondary fibrositis
- 1948 Bach - Fibrositis controversy
- 1948 Micheli - Fibrosite
- 1949 BMJ editorial
- 1953 Long & Lamphier - Fibrositis and the disc syndrome
- 1954 Copeman & Mason - Fibrositis treatment
- 1961 Bustamante & Perdomo - Fibrositis lumbar
- 1962 Barceló et al. - Fibrositis de la espalda
- 1967 Settel - Lumbosacral fibrositis
- 1968 Traut - Primary fibrositis
- 1983 Raynolds - Fibrositic nodules
- 1992 Romero - Prevalencia de la fibrositis
- Chapter 1.2.2 Old remedies for fibrositis
- Chapter 1.2.3 - The french studies about the "cellulite"
- Chapter 1.3 - Articles from the middle part of the 20th century
- 1935 Sutro
- 1937 Ries
- 1942 Macdermot
- 1944 - Copeman and Ackerman
- 1945 Clavero-Núñez - Lumbosacralgia en la mujer
- 1945 Mylechreest
- 1945 Pugh
- 1946 Editorial - Causa de lumbago
- 1946 Hench
- 1946 Herz
- 1946 Lifvendahl - Fascial fat
- 1947 Copeman and Ackerman
- 1947 Moes - Cause of low back pain
- 1948 Hucherson and Gandy
- 1948 Orr - Somatic pain due to fibrolipomatous nodules simulating uretero-renal disease ("back mice")
- 1949 Copeman
- 1949 Hittner
- 1950 Dal Lago & Vera - Hernias grasas con lesiones necróticas
- 1950 Katz - Episacroiliac lipomas
- 1950 Rubens-Duval - Cellulalgie and cellulite nodule
- 1951 Rouhier - Painful lipomas
- 1952 Donati & Bidoni - sindromi lombo-sciatalgishe
- 1952 Ficarra and McLaughlin. Pannicular hernias
- 1952 Herz - painful nodule low back pain
- 1952 Raymond - Sacro-iliac lipomatosis
- 1952 Sicard - Lipomes épisacro-iliaques
- 1953 Nunziata - Lumbociáticas por hernias de grasa
- 1953 Rimbaud - Lombo-sciatique
- 1953 Schmidt-Voigt -Das lipomatose Kreuzbeinsyndrom (back mice)
- 1953 Sheehan - lipoma and sciatica
- 1954 Bonner - Herniation of fat
- 1954 Knight - Sacro-iliac lipoma
- 1955 Bauwens and Coyer - The "multifidus triangle.
- 1955 Ficarra - Pannicular lumbosacroiliac hernia
- 1955 Joyeux - Lipomes et lombo-sciatiques
- 1955 Monnerot-Dumaine, Le lipome épi sacro-iliaque
- 1956 Nocentini and Rosati
- 1957 Gomez Carpio
- 1959 Kanan - [Hernias de la Fascia Sacra] (Low back pain)
- 1959 Tibaudin - Reflex lumbosciatic pain
- 1960 Raymond - sacroiliac lipomatosis
- 1961 Wollgast
- 1962 Duval - Sciatiques et lipomes épi-sacro-iliaques
- 1963 Dittrich - Lumbodorsal fascia and disability
- 1963 Sedwitz and Thomas - Hernia Adiposa (A Cause of Low Back Pain)
- 1966 Singewald
- 1968 Baciu - Copeman-Ackerman syndrome
- 1969 Baciu - Copeman and Ackerman syndrome
- Chapter 1.3.1 - The term "mesotherapy"
- Chapter 1.3.2 - The Chapman's points
- Chapter 1.4 - Articles from the late 20th century about low back pain
- 1970 Carninci & Campailla - episcroiliac lipoma symptoms
- 1972 Pace and Henning
- 1978 Faille
- 1981 Tong - Pannicular sacroiliac hernia, report of 50 cases
- 1982 Ercegovac et al - Nodules in the sacroiliac region
- 1990 Grieve - sacroiliac sulcus lipoma
- 1990 Rosati - Lipomi episacroiliaci
- 1991 Collée -Iliac crest pain syndrome in low back pain.
- 1991 Swezey - Lumbar subcutaneous nodules
- 1993 Curtis
- 1993 Fischer
- 1995 Earl et al. (Back mice -A prevalence study)...studying low back pain
- Chapter 1.4.1 - Studies about the Myofascial syndrome
- Chapter 1.5 - Articles from the 21st century
- 2000 Bond - Episacral lipomas
- 2000 Curtis - Nodules and low back pain
- 2000 Motyka et al - Nonspecific low back pain
- 2003 Kurnik
- 2004 Bond - Treatment of the back mouse
- 2004 Curtis - The term back mice
- 2007 Beverley - Tender nodules in the low back
- 2009 Su Min Ko et al. - Fibro-Fatty nodule
- 2011 Nacir - Frequency of episacral lipoma
- 2013 Erdem
- 2015 Yang
- 2016 Bicket
- 2017 Farina et al.
- 2017 Tiegs-heiden et al.
- 2018 Lefkof - Episacroiliac lipoma POSTER
- 2019 Jensen and Degn - Back Mice Visualized Using Magnetic Resonance
- 2020 Martinez i Nuñez - Nódulos de Copeman
- Chapter 1.1 - Articles from the 19th century or earlier
- Chapter 2- Nerve entrapment
- Chapter 2.1 - Cluneal nerve entrapment
- 1941 Livingston - strain of the multifidus muscle
- 1957 Strong and Davila - Cluneal Syndrome
- 1968 Drury - Superior Cluneal Nerves
- 1977 Richter - Chronischen ruckenschmerzen
- 1991 Maigne and Maigne - Iliac trigger point
- 1996 Berthelot et al. - Chronic low back pain
- 2016 Trescot - Chapter 51: Superior Cluneal Nerve Entrapment
- 2017 Konno - Pseudo-sciatica
- 2018 Yamouchi - Undiagnosed peripheral nerve
- Chapter 2.2 - Ilioinguinal nerve entrapment
- Chapter 2.1 - Cluneal nerve entrapment
- Dr. H. Austin first case
- The structure of the website
- Chapter 1- Nodules and trigger points
- About us
- All the studied medical references about backmice
- BACK MICE YouTube Channel
- Chapter 3 -Fatty tissue
- Chapter 4- Pain mechanisms
- Chapter 4.1 - Neuralgia
- Chapter 5 -History errors
- Site map
- Thanks to
- The blog
- Web page IMAGES
- YouTube Channel: Diario de una Investigadora Sin Glamour
- Back mice monologue of 5 minutes (in Catalan language)
- Did “The Lancet” kill the backmice stars?
- Did Copeman really talk about “fibromyalgia” (naming it “Water retention syndrome”) in Barcelona Congress in 1951?
- For God’s sake! Why did they tear off the whole Copeman’s chapter XVIII?
- Google positioning of
- Hard Knots in Lower Back? (back mice)
- Is fibromyalgia a “mice infestation”?
- Is plastic surgery an option to get relief from back mice?
- The project